country bumpkin image gallery
Scenes from the nursery and garden center

A fine selection of fresh annuals fill the annual house every spring.

Every April we get thousands of vegetable seedlings for Lake County gardens.

Elegant Boston ferns in hanging baskets.

Hanging baskets for sun and shade – geraniums, imaptiens, begonia and more…

A large choice of your favorite veggie varieties – tomatoe, peppers, basil and MUCH more…

The latest and greatest petunia F1 hybrids – color your world!

Japanese maples still enjoying the warmth generated in our large annual house.

Imaptiens have made a triumphant return to our gardens – perfect for morning sun afternoon shade.

Due to popular demand, we have increased our seasonal container planting classes.

Attendees enjoying a spring planting container class.

Young Redbuds showing the promise of early spring.

Fun displays reflect the seasons in our garden center store. A gallery of color and fun.

From the practical necessities, to fun garden decorative pieces like this large metal dragon…

Spades and things every gardener needs.

Pots gallery. Both decorative and utilitarian in all shapes and sizes.


The entrance to our garden center store.

Roses and panicle hydrangeas surround an outdoor garden fountain.

Shade loving plants thriving in our shade house.

A selection of perennial shrubs of all shapes, sizes and colors.

A wind chime standing tall in front of perennial grasses.

A beautiful Hydrangea paniculata in full bloom.

Hydrangea standards behind pots of perennials.

Spirea and Weigela perennials.

Spectacular clematis.

Perennials ready for planting.

Hibiscus “Dinner Plate” – also known as rose mallow, have spectacular late summer blooms.

This beautiful peony would make an excellent gallery portrait.
fall – pumpkin fest

Our annual October Pumpkin Festival has been a family favorite for years!

The entrance to the Bumpkin Pumpkin Forest barrel train ride – see the videos below.

Spooky ghosts in the forest.

A petting zoo and five jumpies for kids to let off steam.

Our large indoor straw maze is a kids favorite.

Pierro greeting visitors.

Spidy waiting for prey on the Pumkpin Forest.

Kids love feeding the goats and sheep. We host groups of school kids throughout the Pumpkin Festival.

All sizes of pumpkins!

Fall colors are truly wonderful.

A 1950’s family John Deere lends a decorative hand.

The Gold Rush. Kids pick out pieces of ‘gold’ to take home.
christmas – holiday season gallery