Gardening Tips
Grow your knowledge, grow your garden…..Color Your World
Gardening And Horticultural Terms
An alphabetical explanation of gardening terms.
Essential characteristics and differences to choose from.
How To Care For Maple Trees
The basics of how to care for these beautiful, easy-to-grow trees.
How To Care For Roses
A growing guide for general rose care.
How To Control Weeds
Combine different methods to best control weeds.
How To Grow Annuals
Growing annuals is a great way to brighten the garden with seasonal color.
How To Grow Fruit Trees From Home
With the right care, a fruit tree can provide many years of enjoyment and satisfaction.
A look at the most common infectious plant diseases and how to manage them.
How To Mulch Your Yard
Choosing from the various mulch types.
How To Prune Trees And Shrubs
Pruning is an essential part of gardening.
Identifying Hydrangeas
Choose the correct variety for your garden conditions.
Lawn Care For Northern Ilinois – Planting Seed and Maintenance
Choosing the right turfgrass for your zone 5b garden.
Monthly Gardening Calendar
A quick checklist of monthly gardening tasks for our northern Illinois zone.
Understanding Botany – The Basics
Some basics to help understand plant life.
Understanding Garden Soil
Choose a soil that is best suited to your garden.
Understanding Fertilizers
Apply the most useful fertilizer for best reults.
This diverse genus defined by size: dwarf, shrub, and tree.