how to mulch your yard
How to mulch your yard correctly is important and will save you the frustration of losing plants and trees because of incorrect application. Applying mulch incorrectly can have detrimental consequences, leading to the suffocation of plant roots, the creation of breeding grounds for pests, and even the loss of valuable trees and shrubs.
Our Country Bumpkin expert mulchers can assist you with ALL your mulching needs – which type of mulch to choose and how much you will need.
Call 847-566-2176 or Contact Us – We can also Deliver mulch to you within hours!

choose which mulch would be best for you
Use one type of mulch for a consistent even look (especially for small gardens), or use a combination of mulches for specific garden applications.
Our mulches have been used by happy gardeners for years. We have a selection of six bulk or bagged options suitable for your yard and landscape needs – from premium mulch to durable chipped wood.
Premium Hardwood Bark
If you’re looking for fine (triple grind) consistency and a premium mulch that will provide nutrients and structure to your soil – this is our best mulch!
Blended Hardwood
This triple grinded mulch is not as nutrient-rich as our Premium option – it’s still a great choice and will add value to the soil.
Brown Decco
This brown dyed mulch from wood by-products retains its physical structure for years and breaks-down slowly. It will lose color as it ages.
Red Decco
This red dyed mulch from wood by-products retains its physical structure for years and breaks-down slowly. It will lose color as it ages.
Black Decco
This black dyed mulch from wood by-products retains its physical structure for years and breaks-down slowly. It will lose color as it ages.
This chip mulched product is made from trees and certified safe for playground use. It’s durable and will decompose slowly. It does not have color additives.
how to mulch your yard in a few easy steps
When to mulch?
Early spring is the best time followed by autumn. Early spring mulching will help control weeds, refresh the soil with nutirients, insulate the plants, and help with moisture retention.
If you are going to apply a general fertilizer, like 10-10-10, do so before spreading mulch – otherwise it will need to be mixed in with the mulch later for best results.
How much mulch?
We recommend 2 to 4 inches deep depending on the mulch you choose. Use the calculator above to determine how much you will need.
Prepare the area.
It’s easier to prepare edges before you spread mulch – especially if using larger chips. Having well defined edges, either raised or dug, will help keep the mulch in the intended area – especially during the rainy season.
Apply the mulch.
Wearing protective gear, avoid dumping big piles of mulch in one spot. Rather spread evenly with a shovel or empty the bag in smaller amounts. Try and spread as evenly as possible using your required depth.
What to avoid.
A sure way to damage your plants is by creating mulch volcanoes around stems and trunks. For smaller plants like shrubby and herbacious perenials, enure to move the mulch at least 1 to 2 inches away from the stems. For trees, move the mulch well away from the trunk (about 12 inches minimum). If you don’t do this you are subjecting your plants and trees to moisture rot and insect problems – and unwanted critters too.
After laying fresh mulch, apply a light sprinkling of water to help settle the new mulch. A heavy dousing will invite seepage and color run-off with dyed mulches. After a day or two, resume your normal watering schedule.
After time, if you notice mold on your mulch, turn it over a few times to allow light and air to dry it out evenly.