
Accolade Elm

ulmus - accolade elm tree

This elm is tolerant to Dutch elm disease, phloem necrosis and elm leaf beetle. It has a vigorous growth rate once established – up to 3 feet per year, and is drought tolerant. The glossy dark green foliage changes to yellow in the fall. It matures into the classical vase-shaped form.

They make good shade trees and are striking in the landscape.

Height: 60′ – 70′

Width: 40′ – 50′

Exposure: Full sun.

Fruit / Flower: Samaras.

Fall Color: Yellow.

Water: Keep young trees well watered and mulched until established. They get more drought tolerant as they mature.

Fertilizer: Use a general fertilizer in early spring. Mulch and compost over the root zone extending to the drip line is useful.

Pruning: Prune lightly in dormancy to keep in shape and form.

Category: Trees – Accolade Elm Trees near me – Ulmus