north star tart cherry

Prunus Cerasus ‘North Star’

North Star cherry trees - Country Bumpkin
North Star is a dwarf, cold hardy cherry tree growing to a mature height of about 10 feet. Its small size makes it ideal for small yards and gardens. Their late spring abundance of showy white flowers are followed by a heavy crop of light red tart cherries. The cherries are great for pies and sauces.

These cherry trees do not require a pollinator, though they will yield a higher crop if cross pollination occurs.

Height: 8′ – 10′

Width: 6′ – 8′

Exposure: Full sun is best.

Watering and soil: Moist, well drained soil – loam or sand. Water well while establishing, thereafter drought tolerant.

Fertilizer: Use a well balanced fertilizer or slow release formula.

Pruning: Prune these fruit trees as needed to shape and keep tidy after flowering. Remove crossed and rubbing branches. Cut back damaged, diseased and dead limbs.

Category: Fruit Plants –  North Star Tart Cherry trees near me – Prunus Cerasus ‘North Star’