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japanese maple sango kaku

Acer Palmatum ‘Coral Bark Maple’

acer palmatum sango kaku

This slow growing showy Japanese Maple, Acer palmatum Sango Kaku is noted for its coral bark and fall color. The five lobed leaves start out as a pinkish yellow, mature to a light green in summer and a soft yellow in fall. It’s perfect as a low maintenance deciduous specimen plant.

Height: 20′ – 25′.

Width: 15′ – 20′

Exposure: Full sun to partial shade.

Fall Color: Golden-yellow.

Water: Water regularly in well drained soil. Use mulch for moisture retention. Do not let them dry out especially while the tree is being established.

Fertilizer: Use a slow release fertilizer. Be careful not to over-fertilize resulting in burned-out shriveled leaves.

Pruning: Prune lightly to shape, removing crossed and rubbing branches. Excessive pruning, especially in the summer heat, can damage the branches.

Height: 4′ – 6′ after 10 years.

Width: 3′ – 5′

Exposure: Full sun to part shade (protect from hot afternoon sun).

Fall Color: Scarlet-orange.

Water: Water regularly in rich well drained soil. Use mulch for moisture retention. Do not let them dry out especially while the tree is being established.

Fertilizer: Use a slow release fertilizer. Be careful not to over-fertilize resulting in burned-out shriveled leaves.

Pruning: Prune lightly to shape, removing crossed and rubbing branches. Excessive pruning, especially in the summer heat, can damage the branches.

This little maple is often used as bonsai and can be pruned in those styles.

Category: Trees – Japanese Maple Sango Kaku near me – Acer Palmatum Sango Kaku – Maple trees