
Syringa Lilac Ivory Silk

syringa lilac ivory silk

The deciduous Syringa lilac ivory silk is a small tree with a rounded shape. The attractive panicles of white flowers that are 6 to 12 inches long blooming in May – June. They can be used as specimen trees or in groupings. They are easy to grow and require little maintenance.

Height: 20′ – 25′

Width: 15′ – 20′

Exposure: Full sun. They will grow in partial shade but won’t produce as many flowers.

Fruit / Flower: Fragrant, creamy-white panicles bloom in late spring to early summer.

Fall Color: Green-yellow.

Water: Moist well drained soil works best with an application of mulch.

Fertilizer: Use a general fertilizer like 10-10-10 once a year just before new growth, or apply a slow release fertilizer.

Pruning: Prune away branches that are crossed or rubbing, dead and damaged. Thin out while keeping it’s shape to provide good air circulation.

Category: Trees – Syringa Lilac trees near me – Lilac Ivory Silk