

Rosa - Rose - Roses
Roses need full sun, at least six hours or more is recommended. Roses are heavy feeders, and a rich loam is best. Fertilize them from early spring after the first buds appear to mid-August – feed about every 8 to 12 weeks. Apply about 2 inches of mulch around the shrub. Roses are susceptible to disease and bug infestations – it is better to treat them before the problems arise.

Height: 3′ – 4′

Width: 3′ – 4′

Watering and soil: Moist, well drained rich soil.

Exposure: Full sun is best.

Varieties: Carpet Pink Supreme, Carpet Red, Drift Red, Knock Out Roses, Pavement Hansa, Raspberry Rugostar, Sunrise Sunset, Climbing Multicolor, Climbing Red, Climbing Yellow, Hybrid Tea Lavender, Hybrid Tea Multicolor, Hybrid Tea Red, Hybrid Tea White, Hybrid Tea Yellow, Oso Easy Double Red, Oso Easy Lemon Zest, Oso Easy Paprika, Peach Lemonade.

Image: Rosa ‘Radral’

Category: Sun Perennials – Sun Plants – Sunny Plants – Shrubs – Deciduous Shrubs – Roses near me