tilia americana

Tilia Americana Redmond Linden

Tilia Americana Redmond Linden
This Linden variety is very useful as a shade and street tree. Planted in rows they are stately and imposing. They grow fast when young, up to 2 foot a year. It has a uniform shape and is moderately pyramidal. They have the largest leaves of the Linden species. This variety is also known as American Basswood.

Height: 50′ – 80′

Width: 30′ – 50′

Exposure: Full sun.

Fruit / Flower: Nutlett. Yellow.

Fall Color: Yellow.

Water: Average watering required. Grows best in well drained loams but will tolerate dry and clay doil. Drought tolerant.

Fertilizer: Use a general fertilizer like 10-10-10 once a year when establishing. Thereafter fertilizer isn’t really required.

Pruning: Little to none is required.

Category: Trees – American Linden trees near me – Tilia Americana Redwood Linden – Basswood trees