snow fountains weeping cherry

Prunus X ‘Snofozam’

Snow fountains Weeping Cherry
The deciduous Snow Fountains weeping cherry has naturally weeping branches covered with snow white flowers in spring. They are small ornamental trees and will look spectacular in small gardens, courtyards, or Japanese style settings. This variety does not produce much fruit.

Slow growing requiring little maintenance.

Height: 8′ – 15′

Width: 6′ – 12′

Exposure: Full sun.

Fruit / Flower: White blossoms. Does not produce much fruit.

Fall Color: Orange-gold.

Water: Keep moist to establish (2 years). Thereafter water needs are moderate – apply a weekly soaking in very hot weather.

Fertilizer: Use a slow release or general fertilizer once a year in early spring.

Pruning: Little pruning is required other than corrective pruning to remove the odd dead, damaged or crossing branch. Prune to keep in shape.

Category: Trees – Snow Fountains Weeping Cherry near me – Prunus Snofozam – Cherry trees