fox grape

Vitus Labrusca ‘Reliance’

Fox grape - vitis reliance

Fox Grape Reliance is a cold hardy (zones 4 – 7), vigorous seedless grape variety producing medium sized clusters of glossy red grapes early in the season. These are excellent eating grapes with a firm texture and sweet taste. This vine is self-pollinating and has good resistance to pests and disease.

They are easy to grow and look great decoratively, covering fences and trellises. Grapevines need arbors, pergolas, walls or fences that offers sturdy support for their twining stems.

Height: 15′ – 20′

Width: 15′ – 20′

Exposure: Full sun.

Watering and soil: Moist, well drained soil is essential. It can tolerate a wide range of soil type from sand to clay. Needs good air circulation.

Fertilizer: Use a well balanced fertilizer or slow release formula.

Pruning: Start pruning after the third year in late winter or very early spring.

Category: Fruit Plants –  Fox Grape near me – Vitus Labrusca Reliance