Carolina Silverbell ‘Jersey Bell’

Helesia Carolina

Carolina Silverbell
Carolina Silverbell is an elegant small tree that blooms in late spring. Small white bell shaped flowers growing clusters along the branches. This small tree is an upright cultivar that grows to a mature height of about 25 feet.

Carolina Silverbell is native to the southeastern United States and often grows as a small understory tree, therefore, it can take partial shade. It can be featured as a specimen tree in the garden.

Height: 20′ – 25′

Width: 15′ – 20′

Exposure: Full sun, partial shade.

Fruit / Flower: Prolific white bell-shaped hanging flowers.

Fall Color: Yellow.

Water: Regular weekly watering for the first year to establish the root system is important. Moderate watering thereafter – prefers moist rich well-drained soil.

Fertilizer: Use a general fertilizer like 10-10-10 once a year just before new growth.

Pruning: Prune when dormant to shape. Cut crossing and rubbing branches.

Category: Trees – Carolina Silverbell ‘Jersey Bell’ near me – Helesia Carolina