acer rubrum ‘franksred’

Red Sunset Maple

red sunset maple - acer rubrum franksred

This red maple variety, Acer rubrum Franksred really delivers with its autumn colors. Their fall show is spectacular with red, crimson and orange leaves blending to give a sunset effect. Consider this maple variety as a specimen tree – it will require a little more maintenance than the tough urban varieties.

Height: 40′ – 50′

Width: 30′ – 40′

Exposure: Full sun.

Fruit / Flower: Samaras.

Fall Color: Red-crimson-orange.

Water: Keep well watered while young to establish a strong root system. Red maples like a moist soil. Mulch helps with moisture retention especially in the hot dry season, and will help with the soil drying out completely if watered regularly.

Fertilizer: Use a nitrogen rich fertilizer in spring once established. While it is being established it’s safer to use a slow release fertilizer to prevent young tender root burn. Mix the fertilizer into the soil.

Pruning: Prune in late winter or early spring if required. Regular pruning keeps these trees in shape and can prevent major limb breakage.

Category: Trees – Red Sunset Maple near me – Acer Rubrum Franksred – Maple trees